Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hk Trip Day 4 on 11-17May2010

4th day... We had roosted rice and roosted duck for our lunch.. The plate is so big lor..
The rice like 1-1/2bowl of rice lor.. cant finish it ha...

Look good and taste good too..
After lunch we gg ocean park for our game and scenery ha...

Ticket office.. need to take a bus to the ocean park.

Here we reached...
very hot lor..

We played this and get a few toy hahah..

We took cable car to other part of the ocean park lor..
1 is at dwn hill other is at up hill.

Owl family....

We all go in n played the adventure of the flying dragoon..
we all passed and get the cert lor.

Air balloon...
After that we all went to see "AN AN and LE LE"...

So cute lea.. panda..
Act cute haha..

ACt cute too haha..:)

After ocean park when to "THe PEAK"..
NIce weather and cold....

Expensive lor.. S$25 per plate...

Cough manner...

Enjoy the day...But we all very tired tooo....

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